
First Peoples Principals of Learning

The First Peoples Principals of Learning is and incredibly valuable resource for teachers. It gives us tools to indigenize our teaching and is an excellent reference for us to check and make sure that we are acknowledging indigenous teaching methodologies in our lessons and units. I have used this resource a lot in my schoolwork so far, it really helps me with my lesson and unit plan writing. I still have a great deal to learn and understand about the First Peoples Principals of Learning but I look forward to continuing to find ways to incorporate it into my teaching.

BC Curriculum

The BC curriculum is the main resource to teachers as it lays out what is expected to be taught in every subject and every grade level. It takes a little while to learn how to effectively navigate however once you have used it for a while it makes sense. You are able to see how subjects and content are built upon over the grades using the “continuous views” section. It is the first place I look when I am beginning to design a unit or lesson, and is used throughout the entire process to ensure that I am adhering to the appropriate grades curriculum.

Professional Standards for BC Educators

The Professional Standards for BC Educators is a document that explains the duties, responsibilities, values, and expectations of teachers in BC. There are 9 standards laid out and explained in detail in the document. I really like this document as it explains what will be expected of me as a teacher in a simple and clear way. It ensures that though all teachers have complete autonomy in their classrooms, we will all be held to the same high standards and be accountable to the same rules.

Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

The Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action is a document put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to further the cause of reconciliation in Canada. There is a section within it that pertains specifically to education. The government has been called to ensure that Aboriginal peoples history and teaching methods are appropriately integrated into the classroom. This involves the history of residential schools which have not been taught about effectively in the past. This is a powerful document that should be a wake up call not only to our government but to all Canadians.